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WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

主要翻译英语中文 suit n (clothing: jacket and trousers)SCSimplified Chinese 套装 tào zhuāng  He wore his new suit to the wedding.  他穿上新套装出席婚礼。 suit n (clothing: jacket and skirt)SCSimplified Chinese 套裙 tào qún  She wore her suit to the job interview.  她穿上套裙去参加求职面试。 suit n (cards: clubs, spades, etc.)SCSimplified Chinese 一组同花色的牌 yì zǔ tóng huā sè de pái  You need to match three cards of the same suit.  你需要用三张同花色的牌凑成一副。 suit n (lawsuit)SCSimplified Chinese 诉讼 sù sòng TCTraditional Chinese 訴訟   SCSimplified Chinese 起诉 sù sòng,qǐ sù TCTraditional Chinese 起訴   SCSimplified Chinese 诉讼案件 sù sòng,sù sòng àn jiàn TCTraditional Chinese 訴訟案件  The suit alleged that the company stole their intellectual property.  该起诉声称这家公司窃取了他们的知识产权。 suit [sb/sth]⇒ vtr (harmonize or be compatible with)SCSimplified Chinese 与…搭   SCSimplified Chinese 与...相配 TCTraditional Chinese 與…相配  Yes, that dress suits you well.  是的,那条裙子与你很相配。 suit [sb]⇒ vtr (be OK with [sb])SCSimplified Chinese 对...合适 TCTraditional Chinese 對…合適   SCSimplified Chinese 方便于  What time would suit you? We can go out to eat Friday night. How does that suit you?  定在什么时间你比较方便?我们周五晚上可以出去吃饭,你方便吗? suit [sth/sb]⇒ vtr (adapt)SCSimplified Chinese 使适合 shǐ shì hé TCTraditional Chinese 使適合   SCSimplified Chinese 使适应 shǐ shì hé,shǐ shì yìng TCTraditional Chinese 使適應  We can suit the training to fit your needs.  我们可以使训练计划适合你的个人需求。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 其他翻译英语中文 suit n slang, pejorative (man dressed in a suit)SCSimplified Chinese 穿西装的男士  The suits say that we need to change the process? What do they know? suit n US (swimsuit)SCSimplified Chinese 游泳衣 yóu yǒng yī   SCSimplified Chinese 泳装 yóu yǒng yī ,yǒng zhuāng  I bought a new suit to wear to the beach; it is a lot smaller than the last one.  我新买了一件泳衣准备穿到海滩上去。这件比以前那件小多了。 suit n (petition, appeal)SCSimplified Chinese 请愿 qǐng yuàn TCTraditional Chinese 請願 / 請愿   SCSimplified Chinese 请愿书 qǐng yuàn,qǐng yuàn shū TCTraditional Chinese 請願書  Do you think she will hear my suit sympathetically?  你觉得她会充满同情地倾听我的请愿吗? suit n (courtship)SCSimplified Chinese 求婚 qiú hūn   SCSimplified Chinese 求爱 qiú hūn,qiú ài  He pleaded his suit, but she still would not agree to marry him.  他求婚了,不过她仍然不肯同意嫁给他。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

动词短语英语中文 suit up vi phrasal (put on uniform)SCSimplified Chinese 穿上全套制服  The forensics team suited up before entering the crime scene.  进入案发现场前,法医队全体都穿上了全套制服。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

复合形式:英语中文 bathing suit n dated (swimsuit)SCSimplified Chinese 泳衣 yǒng yī  I was so embarrassed to see my teacher when I was only wearing my bathing suit.  当我见到老师的时候,我只穿着泳衣,觉得好尴尬。 your birthday suit n slang, figurative (nakedness)SCSimplified Chinese 裸体 luǒ tǐ  "What do you wear in bed?" "My birthday suit." bodysuit, body n (tight-fitting garment that covers body and arms)SCSimplified Chinese 紧身衣 jǐn shēn yī TCTraditional Chinese 緊身衣 boiler suit n mainly UK (clothing: overalls)SCSimplified Chinese 连衫裤工作服 business suit n (businessperson's formal outfit)SCSimplified Chinese 西装 xī zhuāng  Liam was wearing a smart business suit for his job interview. class action, class action suit n (lawsuit brought by a group)SCSimplified Chinese 共同起诉 gòng tóng qǐ sù TCTraditional Chinese 共同起訴   SCSimplified Chinese 集体诉讼 gòng tóng qǐ sù,jí tǐ sù sòng  A lot of us are involved in a class action suit against the company for discrimination against women. diving suit (diving equipment)SCSimplified Chinese 潜水衣 qián shuǐ yī TCTraditional Chinese 潛水衣   SCSimplified Chinese 潜水服 qián shuǐ yī ,qián shuǐ fú TCTraditional Chinese 潛水服 dress suit n (man's formal outfit for evening)SCSimplified Chinese 男礼服 nán lǐ fú TCTraditional Chinese 男式禮服  My husband looks very elegant in his dress suit. dry suit (diving)SCSimplified Chinese 干式潜水服 empty suit n US, figurative, pejorative, informal (powerful, ineffectual person)SCSimplified Chinese 金玉其外的商人   SCSimplified Chinese 徒有其表的专业人员 exoskeleton, exoskeleton suit n (military device)SCSimplified Chinese 动力外骨骼   SCSimplified Chinese 机械外骨骼 flight suit (fire-resistant jumpsuit)SCSimplified Chinese 防火飞行服 follow suit vi figurative (do the same, copy: [sb] else)SCSimplified Chinese 跟着做 gēn zhe zuò   SCSimplified Chinese 照着做 gēn zhe zuò,zhào zhe zuò  He was such a copycat; if his brother did something he would always follow suit. After the first bank started giving away toasters, the rest of the banks followed suit.  他就是个跟屁虫。他兄弟做什么,他就跟着做。  第一家银行开始送烤面包机后,其他银行也纷纷效仿。 full suit n (playing cards: 13 of one symbol) (指13张牌花色相同)SCSimplified Chinese 同花顺 tóng huā shùn jogging suit (clothing)SCSimplified Chinese 慢跑服 lounge suit UK (clothing)SCSimplified Chinese 商务套装   SCSimplified Chinese 休闲套装 pant suit (US), pantsuit (US), trouser suit (UK) n US (women's shirt and trousers)SCSimplified Chinese 女士西裤套装 nǚ shì xī kù tào zhuāng  Sheryl bought herself a new pantsuit that really looks good on her. paternity suit n (legal dispute over identity of father)SCSimplified Chinese 生父确认诉讼案 romper suit n (child's garment)SCSimplified Chinese 婴儿连体衣 sailor suit n (naval uniform)SCSimplified Chinese 海军装 hǎi jūn zhuāng TCTraditional Chinese 海軍裝 sailor suit n (child's navy-style outfit)SCSimplified Chinese (儿童的)水手服 ér tóng de shuǐ shǒu fú  Nineteenth century children were often dressed in sailor suits. shell suit n (waterproof tracksuit)SCSimplified Chinese 防水运动服   SCSimplified Chinese 防水比赛服 ski suit (clothing for skiing)SCSimplified Chinese 滑雪服 sleepsuit, sleep suit n (child's one-piece nightwear)SCSimplified Chinese 婴儿睡衣   SCSimplified Chinese 婴儿睡袍 snow suit, snowsuit n (padded outfit worn in cold weather)SCSimplified Chinese 保暖外套,滑雪衫 space suit n (outfit worn by astronaut)SCSimplified Chinese 太空服 tài kōng fú   SCSimplified Chinese 宇航服 tài kōng fú,yǔ háng fú   SCSimplified Chinese 航天服 tài kōng fú,háng tiān fú TCTraditional Chinese 太空服  I can't go out in this coat: it's like walking around in a space suit. strong suit n figurative ([sb]'s talent, strong point)SCSimplified Chinese 强项 qiáng xiàng   SCSimplified Chinese 专长 qiáng xiàng,zhuān cháng TCTraditional Chinese 專長 strong suit n (card game suit)SCSimplified Chinese 同样花式的一组牌 suit [sb] down to the ground v expr informal (be ideal)SCSimplified Chinese 非常适合 fēi cháng shì hé TCTraditional Chinese 非常適合   SCSimplified Chinese 对...很理想 suit jacket n (men's formal jacket)SCSimplified Chinese 西装 xī zhuāng   SCSimplified Chinese 西服上衣 xī zhuāng,xī fú shàng yī  Normal business attire for bankers includes suit jacket and tie. suit of armor (US), suit of armour (UK) n historical (protective battle gear)SCSimplified Chinese 一身铠甲,盔甲 kuī jiǎ suit yourself vtr + refl (do what you want)SCSimplified Chinese 随意 suí yì TCTraditional Chinese 隨意   SCSimplified Chinese 随便 suí yì,suí biàn TCTraditional Chinese 隨便  If Ben doesn't want to come to the party, he can suit himself; I'll go without him. suit yourself! interj (do what you want)SCSimplified Chinese 请随君便 TCTraditional Chinese 請隨君便   SCSimplified Chinese 随便你 suí biàn nǐ  I think that’s a stupid idea, but suit yourself; do it, if you want to. sweatsuit, sweat suit n (outfit worn for sport)SCSimplified Chinese 运动服 yùn dòng fú TCTraditional Chinese 運動服   SCSimplified Chinese 运动套装 yùn dòng fú,yùn dòng tào zhuāng three-piece suit n (men's formal outfit) (男子的正式服装)SCSimplified Chinese 三件套 sān jiàn tào  My brother looks surprisingly good in a three-piece-suit. tracksuit, track suit n (athlete's trouser suit) (运动员训练时所穿)SCSimplified Chinese 运动套装,运动服,运动衣裤 yùn dòng tào zhuāng,yùn dòng fú,yùn dòng yī kù TCTraditional Chinese 運動服  The members of the gymnastics team wore matching tracksuits and hair ribbons.  体操队成员都穿着配套的运动服,戴着配套的发带。 trouser suit (clothing)SCSimplified Chinese 衫裤套装 wear your birthday suit v expr slang, figurative (be naked)SCSimplified Chinese 光着身体 TCTraditional Chinese 光著身體   SCSimplified Chinese 一丝不挂 yì sī bú guà   SCSimplified Chinese 赤身裸体 chì shēn luǒ tǐ wetsuit, wet suit n (diver's rubber outfit)SCSimplified Chinese 潜水服 qián shuǐ fú TCTraditional Chinese 潛水服  The police put on wetsuits to search for the victim in the icy river.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011: suit [suːt] I n [c] 1 (man's, woman's) 西装(裝) xīzhuāng [套 tào] 2 (for particular activity) 套装(裝) tàozhuāng 3 (Law) 讼(訟)案 sòng'àn 4 (Cards) 一组(組)同样(樣)花色的纸(紙)牌 yī zǔ tóngyàng huāsè de zhǐpái II vt 1 (=be convenient, appropriate) 对(對)…合适(適) duì…héshì 2 [colour, clothes] [+ person] 适(適)合 shìhé to file or bring a suit against sb (US) (Law) 起诉(訴)某人 qǐsù mǒurén to follow suit (=do the same) 跟着(著)做 gēnzhe zuò to suit sth to sb/sth (=adapt) 使某物适(適)合于(於)某人/某物 shǐ mǒuwù shìhé yú mǒurén/mǒuwù to be suited to doing sth适(適)宜于(於)做某事 shìyí yú zuò mǒushì to suit o.s.随(隨)自己的意愿(願)行事 suí zìjǐ de yìyuàn xíngshì suit yourself!自便! zìbiàn! to be well suited (to each other)(互相)很搭配 (hùxiāng)hěn dāpèi 在这些条目还发现'suit': 在英文解释里: armor-clad - become - club - coat - diamond - instance - lead - nonsuit - relator - renege - revoke - romper - separate - singleton - spade - stroller - strong suit - tailored - tracksuit - trump - void - wand - well-cut - well-matched 中文: 西装 - 切合 - 套装 - 清一色 - 游泳衣 在单词列表中: Top 2000 English words, Formal clothing items , Card game terms, 更多……同义词: outfit, uniform, ensemble, tuxedo, Sunday best, 更多……习惯性搭配: that [dress, hat] suits you, a [striped, pinstripe, plain, tailored, black] suit, [blue, green] suits you , 更多……

标题中含有单词 'suit' 的论坛讨论:

The clothes you're wearing suit you 'Whatever the suit’s merits' - English Only forum [reached out] about joining together for a class-action suit - English Only forum 1" play with/at the waist of my suit. - English Only forum a computer to suit / that suits - English Only forum a great suit for - English Only forum A ladder to be adjusted to suit - English Only forum a pressing charge for a suit - English Only forum A severe suit - English Only forum a suit for pardon - English Only forum a suit of self-righteous armor - English Only forum An ample suit from other's cloth - English Only forum Anatomy of the suit - English Only forum and his bookie's suit - English Only forum And leaving that suit - English Only forum any better alternatives for "suit" ? - English Only forum apartment in suit - English Only forum Are you going out in this suit? - English Only forum arms struts at the tails of his signature double-breasted suit - English Only forum arrayed in a perfectly plain suit, - English Only forum as far as a suit - English Only forum learning to fasten the seat of my union suit - English Only forum bathing suit - English Only forum be on my suit and tie - English Only forum Become vs. suit - English Only forum Best grab your racing suit - English Only forum "Better suit us" or "best suit us"? - English Only forum Betty Bureau Blue Suit - English Only forum Biohazard suit - English Only forum birthday suit - English Only forum 更多……访问Chinese 论坛。帮助 WordReference: 在论坛上提问。 English Only论坛里有关'suit'的讨论 Go to Preferences page and choose from different actions for taps or mouse clicks. 查看 "suit" 的谷歌机器翻译。

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